A new model for suburban intensification
The challenge set by Barnet Homes was to provide as many new homes as comfortably possible whilst improving the conditions of the estate for existing residents.
As a result of our analysis of the estate, a number of sites were identified as being suitable for development of new homes. Through careful and considered design, these new homes can be used to better define routes and public space, parking and play areas.
Open spaces have been designed to a scale appropriate for the activities they will accommodate and are suitably overlooked to ensure that the user doesn’t feel uncomfortable in them.
Different sizes and types of spaces are included within the master plan to allow a variety of different users to enjoy the amenities at the same time.
Routes are clearly defined with quality wayfinding markers to give the user a sense of direction and arrival. The impact on existing and new homes is minimised through the provision of privacy zones in front of windows and entrances.
The new buildings are all three storeys and under, to ensure that they sit comfortably within the existing two to three storey context. The Common Home typology employs highly efficient floor plans which help to reduce the overall mass of the blocks and therefore reduces the impact on neighbouring buildings.
Proposed buildings are sized and located to ensure that they cause minimal harm to the surrounding context. Through careful compliance with both local, London and national planning polices, the proposed buildings become happy neighbours to the existing buildings on the site.
The carefully positioned new buildings create highly valued public amenity spaces and clearly defined routes. Communities which have been disconnected are now connected in the hope that this will help foster a greater sense place which in turn may be the catalyst for further regeneration.
In total 47 new homes will be provided across the estate, all of which will be affordable.